This report shows market penetration data and allows for customer lists to be exported to .CSV files. This is useful for providing direct mailing campaign lists.

Admin Access Required


This report can also be set to view by Customer or Vehicle. When viewing by Customer, if the customer has had multiple ROs on different vehicles, the vehicles will be combined onto a single line. When exporting a list for direct mailing it is recommended to set the report to the customer view to avoid duplicate mailings.


Last Visit

Customer view: Date of the last RO for the customer

Vehicle view: Date of the last RO for the vehicle


Customer view: Number of visits for that customer

Vehicle View: Number of visits for that vehicle  

Total $

Customer view: Total spent by the customer across all RO's 

Vehicle view: Total spent by the customer on that vehicle 

MMarketing on/off
Avg $

Customer view: Average spend by the customer across all RO's

Vehicle view: Average RO spend by the customer on that vehicle 

FirstCustomer first name
LastCustomer last name
CompanyCustomer company name
MakeVehicle make
ModelVehicle model


Vehicle year
AddressCustomer address
CityCustomer city
StateCustomer state
ZipCustomer zip code
MileageMileage at last RO
SiteSite the customer last visited